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2020.06.28 20:24
독일인 및 외국인 대학생들 코로나19 긴급지원 자금 신청 가능
조회 수 5536 추천 수 0 댓글 0
독일인 및 외국인 대학생들 코로나19 긴급지원 자금 신청 가능 독일 정부가 코로나19 사태로 인해 경제적 어려움에 처한 독일인 및 외국인 대학생들에게 6월 16일부터 월 최대 500 유로까지 지원한다. 연방교육부 장관은 해당학생들은 상환의 의무가 없는 지원금을 전국적으로 일원화된 온라인 시스템을 통해 신청할 수 있다고 밝혔다. 신청서는 해당 담당 지역의 학생회(Studentenwerk)에서 처리하고, 자금지원 기준은 "전염병 확산으로 인한 개인적으로 긴급한 상황” 여부에 달려있다. 아울러 한국인 대학생들은 아래 조건들을 확인한 후 자신에게 맞는 경우 신청하길 바란다. "Interim financial aid funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Legally binding application for interim financial aid for students faced with pandemic-related financial hardship Interim financial aid provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is intended to help those students who can prove that they are faced with financial hardship caused by the pandemic, who need immediate help and are unable to overcome their pandemic-related hardship by making use of other support. Interim financial aid can be applied for by German and foreign students who are enrolled at a public or state-recognised higher education institution in Germany. The interim financial aid complements the other initiatives that have already been launched to support students in the unprecedented situation caused by COVID-19. Students benefiting from loans, scholarships or similar in the relevant month are not excluded from applying for interim financial aid. Depending on the proven need, between 100 euros and 500 euros can be paid out as a non-repayable grant. Applications can only be filed separately for the months June, July and August 2020. A new application in – and for – a new month will only be admissible if the student is still eligible to apply. The decision on granting the interim financial aid is taken by the relevant student union (Studierendenwerk/Studentenwerk) on the basis of the information you provide and within the budget available to it. The order in which applications are processed is determined by the date the complete documents are received by the student union concerned. Incomplete applications will not be processed. There is no legal entitlement to interim financial aid. Applications must be addressed to the student unions responsible for the higher education institution where you are studying. Where a higher education institution has several campuses, the student union located at the central campus is responsible for dealing with your application. For higher education institutions without such a student union (Studierendenwerk/Studentenwerk) the German National Association for Student Affairs (Deutsches Studentenwerk) will assign a student union for this purpose in consultation with it. If you do not find your higher education institution in the following list, please send an e-mail to ueberbrueckungshilfe-studierende@studentenwerke.de."
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